
What is Osteopathy                 Osteopathy is a system of healing where the practitioner assesses, eases and mobilizes the patient’s body, helping it engage the self-healing it is capable of. Manual osteopaths work with the muscles and fascia like massage therapists, mobilize joints similar too but not in the same way as chiropractors, and can advice on ongoing therapeutic and strengthening exercises like physiotherapists.                  You can expect your manual osteopathic practitioner to do a complete body assessment because osteopathy treats the entire body, as a single functioning unit. When one part of the body is dysfunctional, it throws the entire body out of balance. Sometimes the complications that show up to the patient, are only the symptom. Your manual osteopath will help get to the root of the problem, improving structure thereby enhancing function. With better function, comes better mobility, better healing, better health and better quality of life.
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